I don't consider myself a selfish person, (isn't that the first sign that you are??) but some days I really just wish that I had no responsibilities and was free of all commitments. I always try to remember the saying "if you love what you have, you will never want for anything." Don't get me wrong I absolutely love my life and everyone and everything that is a part of it. I just don't want to do anything. I want a day or two to myself when no one needs me, nothing needs to be cleaned, cooked, worked on, etc.
Sundays are my favorite day of the week because I get the opportunity to remember that the world does not revolve around me (and Sunday Naps of course). The reason I love Sundays is church. I get to spend 40 minutes with some funny 6 and 7 year olds. I get to laugh with them, play with them, give them candy, and then send them home to their mothers.
I always grumble on my way to church, 9 am church is crummy, I whine I don't want to go and (gasp!) that I hate primary, Wa, wa, wah! I give myself quite the pity party. I have come to realize that I am not a morning person.
But when I enter my classroom, and see those smiling, shiny, little faces of those kiddos, I completely change my attitude.
I learn so much from these kids. They display their faith so simply and easily with no embarrassment doubt, or fears and they are always so Happy. I am not saying we aren't without our little struggles, they are 7 year olds after all. I love teaching these kids the simple truths of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, they remind me to keep a humble heart and open mind. These kids remind me that no matter how much education I have, the kind of career I build, that none of it matters unless you can take time to laugh at yourself, love the Lord, and love myself.
I wouldn't give up or trade my life for anyone else's life. I adore my husband, I have loving parents, and a little sister who calls me her hero. I love Sundays.